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Beállítások mentése Vissza
VPC 066 II machines are computer-controlled, program-based machines with the connect© touch display for the highest efficiency. The combination of three casting technologies (vacuum pressure, differential pressure and injection casting) is unique and results in the best casting quality. The machines can be fully networked.
Three generations of innovative casting machines. The development and production of a third generation of jewellery casting machines demonstrates the experience of Schultheiss GmbH. The first vacuum casting machine for the jewellery industry was built by Alfons Schultheiss at Inresa Schultheiss GmbH. Georg Schultheiss later developed vacuum- pressure casting (VPC) technology in 1988, which now sets the international standard for jewellery casting. Thousands of jewellery casting customers trust the quality and reliability of Schultheiss casting machines each and every day. With its local distribution and service partners, Schultheiss is the leading outfitter for casting operations in many of the world’s largest jewellery manufacturing nations.
Schultheiss provides the most innovative and high-quality casting equipment.
VPC 066 II machines are computer-controlled, program-based m...
Traditional old casting method of torch melting and spring c...