Foredom motor kézi vezérlése sebességkorlátozóval

Foredom motor kézi vezérlése sebességkorlátozóval

Az ön ára ÁFA nélkül
161,70 €
Az ön ára ÁFA-val
195,66 €
Hlavní sklad (Strašnice)
Raktáron > 1 db
Prodejna (Soukenická)
Raktáron > 1 db


Dual speed range table top dial control for 230V Series SR motors. Has 'LO' and 'HI' settings that either restrict speed or permit complete range of motor speed. See Product Options for plug options.

Dual speed range table top dial control for 230V Series SR motors. Has 'LO' and 'HI' settings that either restrict speed or permit complete range of motor speed. See Product Options for plug options.

Dual Speed Range table top speed control was designed for use with the reciprocating (not rotary) Foredom Filer. Set to 'LO', motor speed is restricted to between 1,000 - 10,000 RPM or 400 - 4,000 SPM - the Filer's allowable speed range. Flipping the toggle switch to 'HI' permits use with rotary handpieces at regular motor speeds.

    Érdekelhetné Önt