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Beállítások mentése Vissza
Same as the H.20 quick change handpiece except with duplex spring.
H.20D has the same specs as the H.20, except includes a duplex spring for added flexibility. H.20D is for exclusive use with 3/32 (2.35mm) shank burs. A lever action on the the handpiece body is all that is required to change accessories. It has a molded plastic front grip with tapered sides for easy and close handling, plus pre-lubricated ball bearings that do not require additional lubrication. The collet in this handpiece can be replaced and/or adjusted if the hold on a bur shank is not secure. View the video for instructions on making collet adjustments. 10-1/8 long, 7/8 dia. (center), 3/8 dia. (front taper), wt: 5.4 oz., ship wt. 7.5 oz.
The H.28 has a slender, comfortable design with tapered grip...
Has molded plastic grip and lever action for exclusive use w...
Has super slim grip and lever action for exclusive use with ...
The finest, smallest file ever! Badeco's new file has a diam...