Presidium Adamas Micro Probe Tip

Presidium Adamas Micro Probe Tip

Az ön ára ÁFA nélkül
75,49 €
Az ön ára ÁFA-val
91,34 €
Hlavní sklad (Strašnice)
Prodejna (Soukenická)


Specially for Adamas, the world’s only diamond and moissanite tester with interchangeable tips with ability to test on diamond melees as small as 0.01 carats.
Presidium Adamas Micro Probe TipPresidium Adamas Micro Probe Tip

Specially for Adamas, the world’s only diamond and moissanite tester with interchangeable tips with ability to test on diamond melees as small as 0.01 carats.

The Micro Probe tip is the first in the world to be able to test on diamonds as small as 0.01 carats. It incorporates the signature Presidium retractable probe that ensures consistent pressure against the gemstone during testing for more reliable results.

Can be used to replace the probe tip of Adamas when it is worn out or broken so you will never need to have equipment downtime.

Comes with simple instructions to fix it on and ensure accuracy.

    Érdekelhetné Önt