GRS C-Max négyzetes véső, 2,38 mm, félkész termék

GRS C-Max négyzetes véső, 2,38 mm, félkész termék

Az ön ára ÁFA nélkül
33,00 €
Az ön ára ÁFA-val
39,93 €
Hlavní sklad (Strašnice)
Raktáron > 1 db
Prodejna (Soukenická)
Raktáron > 1 db


Create precise graver geometry that works for any job. Use with Traditional QC Tool Holder.
GRS C-Max négyzetes véső, 2,38 mm, félkész termék

Create precise graver geometry that works for any job. Use with Traditional QC Tool Holder.

Years of development have produced a tungsten carbide graver with the right blend of hardness and toughness for hand engraving and stone setting applications. C-Max achieves a metallurgical balance like no other carbide. For years, engravers and jewelers have used other carbide gravers that break easily or do not hold a fine edge. This frustration is gone forever, thanks to C-Max carbide. Try these tools and do better work in noticeably less time.

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