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Beállítások mentése Vissza
This fixture will only make a 105° graver. Many new engravers are challenged with understanding and consistently producing accurate sharpening results.
Professionals want to save time during the sharpening process to increase profitable moments spent at the bench. The design of the EasyGraver Sharpening Fixture is based on the standard geometries that we observed in use by hundreds of engraving artists and jewellers throughout the world over many years. The tool geometry is limited to the model, marked either 120° or 105° V-point gravers. For hand engravers and jewellers who currently use other geometries, the time it takes to adjust to these presets is outweighed by the benefits of accuracy and efficiency.
The front end features an accurate and secure locating seat ...
Sharpen tools accurately by setting the precise angle with t...
This fixture will only make a 120° graver. Many new engraver...