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Beállítások mentése Vissza
With the series ECO-mini, it has been possibleto successfully integrate the technology oflarge, industrially used disc finishing machinesinto a tiny machine. The patented technologynow enables the use of the finest granules withthe result of a sensational shine. As if polishedby hand.
The ECO-mini is available in two designs, “wet” and “dry”. The dry polishing machine in the mini formatis predominantly used for polishing tarnished or worn jewellery or is used for the individual processingof heavy workpieces with delicate forms. The ECO-mini “wet” is predominantly used for very smallbatches or prototypes for the stripping of casting skins or emery traces. This makes the final polishinggreatly simplified and much quicker. Thanks to the usage of plastic abrasives no orange peel appearson the jewellery pieces.
Features of the ECO-mini
It is the smallest and most efficient “finishing centre” on the market. The machine is easy to operate usinga timer and works quietly without producing dust.
Basic equipment of the ECO-mini wet
The drive is powered via 2 supporting shafts with ball beari...
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electro polishing machine piece Electro polishing machine ...
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