Polírozó korong muszlin átm. 125/20, varrott

Polírozó korong muszlin átm. 125/20, varrott

Az ön ára ÁFA nélkül
8,54 €
Az ön ára ÁFA-val
10,34 €
Hlavní sklad (Strašnice)
Raktáron > 1 db
Prodejna (Soukenická)
Raktáron > 1 db


Polishing discs are – depending on material – used for differenthigh gloss polishing finishes: Cotton is suitable for polishingplastic resin, gold, titanium and steel.
Polírozó korong muszlin átm. 125/20, varrott

Polishing discs are – depending on material – used for differenthigh gloss polishing finishes: Cotton is suitable for polishingplastic resin, gold, titanium and steel.

Leather is ideal for a dry finishing polish, whereas clothdiscs with pleats are employed for precious and non-preciousmetals. The pleats provide good cooling and service life as wellas reduce fraying and ensure better paste adherence (also withpumice).

    Érdekelhetné Önt